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Afghanistan - AF
Aland - AX
Albania - AL
Algeria - DZ
American Samoa - AS
Andorra - AD
Angola - AO
Anguilla - AI
Antigua and Barbuda - AG
Argentina - AR
Armenia - AM
Aruba - AW
Ascension - AC
Ashmore and Cartier Islands - AUA
Australia - AU
Australian Antarctic Territory - AQ
Austria - AT
Azerbaijan - AZ
Bahamas, The - BS
Bahrain - BH
Baker Island - UM
Bangladesh - BD
Barbados - BB
Belarus - BY
Belgium - BE
Belize - BZ
Benin - BJ
Bermuda - BM
Bhutan - BT
Bolivia - BO
Bosnia and Herzegovina - BA
Botswana - BW
Bouvet Island - BV
Brazil - BR
British Indian Ocean Territory - IO
British Virgin Islands - VG
Brunei - BN
Bulgaria - BG
Burkina Faso - BF
Burundi - BI
Cambodia - KH
Cameroon - CM
Canada - CA
Cape Verde - CV
Cayman Islands - KY
Central African Republic - CF
Chad - TD
Chile - CL
China, People's Republic of - CN
China, Republic of (Taiwan) - TW
Christmas Island - CX
Cocos (Keeling) Islands - CC
Colombia - CO
Comoros - KM
Congo, (Congo Brazzaville) - CG
Congo, (Congo Kinshasa) - CD
Cook Islands - CK
Coral Sea Islands - AUC
Costa Rica - CR
Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) - CI
Croatia - HR
Cuba - CU
Cyprus - CY
Czech Republic - CZ
Denmark - DK
Djibouti - DJ
Dominica - DM
Dominican Republic - DO
Ecuador - EC
Egypt - EG
El Salvador - SV
Equatorial Guinea - GQ
Eritrea - ER
Estonia - EE
Ethiopia - ET
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) - FK
Faroe Islands - FO
Fiji - FJ
Finland - FI
France - FR
French Guiana - GF
French Polynesia - PF
French Southern and Antarctic Lands - TF
Gabon - GA
Gambia, The - GM
Georgia - GE
Germany - DE
Ghana - GH
Gibraltar - GI
Greece - GR
Greenland - GL
Grenada - GD
Guam - GU
Guatemala - GT
Guernsey - GG
Guinea - GN
Guinea-Bissau - GW
Guyana - GY
Haiti - HT
Heard Island and McDonald Islands - HM
Honduras - HN
Hong Kong - HK
Hungary - HU
Iceland - IS
India - IN
Indonesia - UID
Iran - IR
Iraq - IQ
Ireland - IE
Isle of Man - IM
Israel - IL
Italy - IT
Jamaica - JM
Japan - JP
Jersey - JE
Jordan - JO
Kazakhstan - KZ
Kenya - KE
Kiribati - KI
Korea, North - KP
Korea, South - KR
Kuwait - KW
Kyrgyzstan - KG
Laos - LA
Latvia - LV
Lebanon - LB
Lesotho - LS
Liberia - LR
Libya - LY
Liechtenstein - LI
Lithuania - LT
Luxembourg - LU
Macau - MO
Macedonia - MK
Madagascar - MG
Malawi - MW
Malaysia - MY
Maldives - MV
Mali - ML
Malta - MT
Marshall Islands - MH
Martinique - MQ
Mauritania - MR
Mauritius - MU
Mayotte - YT
Mexico - MX
Micronesia - FM
Moldova - MD
Monaco - MC
Mongolia - MN
Montenegro - ME
Montserrat - MS
Morocco - MA
Mozambique - MZ
Myanmar (Burma) - MM
Namibia - NA
Nauru - NR
Nepal - NP
Netherlands - NL
Netherlands Antilles - AN
New Caledonia - NC
New Zealand - NZ
Nicaragua - NI
Niger - NE
Nigeria - NG
Niue - NU
Norfolk Island - NF
Northern Mariana Islands - MP
Norway - NO
Oman - OM
Pakistan - PK
Palau - PW
Panama - PA
Papua New Guinea - PG
Paraguay - PY
Peru - PE
Philippines - PH
Pitcairn Islands - PN
Poland - PL
Portugal - PT
Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) - MDD
Puerto Rico - PR
Qatar - QA
Reunion - RE
Romania - RO
Russia - RU
Rwanda - RW
Saint Barthelemy - GP
Saint Helena - SH
Saint Kitts and Nevis - KN
Saint Lucia - LC
Saint Pierre and Miquelon - PM
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - VC
Samoa - WS
San Marino - SM
Sao Tome and Principe - ST
Saudi Arabia - SA
Senegal - SN
Serbia - RS
Seychelles - SC
Sierra Leone - SL
Singapore - SG
Slovakia - SK
Slovenia - SI
Solomon Islands - SB
Somalia - SO
South Africa - ZA
South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands - GS
Spain - ES
Sri Lanka - LK
Sudan - SD
Suriname - SR
Svalbard - SJ
Swaziland - SZ
Sweden - SE
Switzerland - CH
Syria - SY
Tajikistan - TJ
Tanzania - TZ
Thailand - TH
Timor-Leste (East Timor) - TL
Togo - TG
Tokelau - TK
Tonga - TO
Trinidad and Tobago - TT
Tristan da Cunha - TA
Tunisia - TN
Turkey - TR
Turkmenistan - TM
Turks and Caicos Islands - TC
Tuvalu - TV
U.S. Virgin Islands - VI
Uganda - UG
Ukraine - UA
United Arab Emirates - AE
United Kingdom - GB
United States - US
Uruguay - UY
Uzbekistan - UZ
Vanuatu - VU
Vatican City - VA
Venezuela - VE
Vietnam - VN
Wallis and Futuna - WF
Yemen - YE
Zambia - ZM
Zimbabwe - ZW
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